Holle Christensen presents her work on interaction for ML training
Student Holle Christensen's presented her short paper Building bridges: a case study in structuring human-ML training interactions at the AAAI Symposium on the Design of the User Experience for Artificial Intelligence (the UX of AI) in Palo Alto, CA.
Building bridges: a case study in structuring human-ML training interactions.
Johanne Christensen, Benjamin Watson, Andy Rindos and Sharon Joines.
Symposium on the Design of the User Experience for Artificial Intelligence (the UX of AI), AAAI Spring Symposium Series (Palo Alto, March).
With the increasing ubiquity of artificial intelligence and machine learning applications, systems are emerging that require non-ML experts to interact with machine learning at the training step, not just the final system. These users may not have the skills, time, or inclination to familiarize themselves with the way machine learning works, so training systems must be developed that can communicate the necessary information and facilitate effortless collaboration with the user. We consider how to utilize techniques from qualitative coding, a human-centered approach for manual classification, and build better user experience for ML training.