Below we index our work by several related fields.
User experience
Simulating the flying experience for treating phobias, testing spatial and wayfinding ability, relating stress to mobile security, visual communication, course projects and currently, gaming experience and the relationship of UX to machine learning.
flying flying flying spatial wayfinding stress stress viscomm viscomm uxml uxml uxml
Computer graphics
Controlling visual fidelity and frame rates, foveated rendering, simplification, low latency rendering, procedural urban modeling, course projects and currently, multiview rendering.
book latency latency latency foveation foveation foveation foveation simplification simplification fidelity fidelity fidelity lowlatency lowlatency urban urban urban urban urban multiview
Depicting text, graphs, network traffic and urban commuters for retail, genealogy, security, search and sustainability. Also, visual communication, mobile visualization and currently, categorical visualization.
text text text graphs graphs security security search urban viscomm viscomm mobile
Relating stress and sensing to mobile security, improving mobile search, course projects, and currently, mobile shortcuts, location and visualization.
Human-computer interaction
Search, placement and fidelity in virtual reality; tangible and tabletop interfaces for education, assessment and training; mobile search, security and sensing; and currently, shortcutting for desktops and mobiles.
latency latency latency foveation foveation foveation foveation fidelity fidelity fidelity tangible tangible spatial wayfinding wayfinding education education stress stress search